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The Upside of Our Animal Natures

In our quest for self-actualization and transcendence, we often find ourselves at odds with our primal, animalistic impulses. From the insatiable hunger for pleasure and the relentless drive for status and dominance, to the visceral surges of rage and the all-consuming fires of lust, our baser instincts can seem like obstacles to be overcome – vestiges of our evolutionary past that must be tamed or repressed in the pursuit of higher consciousness.

Yet, what if we have been looking at our animal natures through the wrong lens? What if these primal drives and impulses, when properly understood and channeled, are not mere hindrances but rather wellsprings of vitality, creativity, and fulfillment? What if, instead of denying or suppressing our animal selves, we embraced them as integral parts of our human experience, sources of profound wisdom and connection to the natural world?

The Vitality of Desire

At the core of our animal nature lies the primal force of desire – the insatiable hunger for pleasure, connection, and sensory stimulation that fuels our most basic drives and motivations. Far from being a mere distraction or indulgence, this wellspring of desire is the very essence of our vitality, the spark that ignites our passions and propels us towards growth, exploration, and self-expression.

When we embrace our desires with mindfulness and intention, we tap into a powerful source of energy and creativity. The artist who channels their sensual longings into breathtaking works of art, the athlete who harnesses their competitive fire to push the boundaries of human potential, or the lover who surrenders to the ecstasy of physical and emotional intimacy – all are drawing from the wellspring of desire, allowing their animal natures to fuel their highest expressions of human potential.

The Wisdom of Instinct

Beyond desire, our animal natures also bestow upon us a rich tapestry of instincts – hardwired impulses and intuitions that have been honed over millions of years of evolutionary refinement. From the maternal instinct that drives a mother to fiercely protect her offspring, to the gut feelings that guide us through uncertain terrain, these instinctual forces are not mere relics of our primitive past but rather profound sources of wisdom and guidance.

By learning to attune ourselves to these instinctual currents, we can tap into a deeper wellspring of intuitive knowledge and embodied awareness. The hunter who reads the subtle signs of the forest, the healer who senses the energetic imbalances in the body, or the leader who navigates complex social dynamics with an innate understanding of group dynamics – all are drawing from the wellspring of instinct, allowing their animal natures to inform and enrich their human endeavors.

The Bonds of Kinship

Perhaps most profoundly, our animal natures offer us a profound sense of kinship and connection with the natural world. When we embrace our primal impulses and instincts, we are not merely indulging our baser selves but rather honoring our place within the vast tapestry of life, recognizing our fundamental kinship with all living beings.

The awe-inspiring migrations of wildebeests across the Serengeti, the intricate dances of courtship and mating rituals, or the fierce loyalty of a pack of wolves – these are not mere spectacles of nature but reflections of the very same primal forces that course through our own veins. By embracing our animal natures, we can forge deeper bonds of empathy and reverence with the natural world, recognizing ourselves as part of the grand symphony of life rather than separate from it.

Integrating Our Animal Selves

To truly harness the power and wisdom of our animal natures, we must learn to integrate them into our human experience, rather than denying or repressing them. This integration requires a delicate balance – a willingness to embrace our primal impulses while also cultivating the self-awareness and discipline to channel them in healthy, constructive ways.

It means learning to ride the waves of desire without becoming consumed by them, to heed the whispers of instinct while also applying the discernment of reason, and to honor our kinship with the natural world while also recognizing our unique role and responsibilities as conscious, self-aware beings.

This integration is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing practice, a dance between our human and animal selves that requires patience, humility, and a willingness to continually learn and grow. It may involve practices such as mindfulness meditation, somatic therapies, or immersive experiences in nature, all of which can help us attune to the rhythms and wisdom of our animal natures while also cultivating the self-awareness and emotional intelligence to navigate them skillfully.


In a world that often prizes the rational and the cerebral over the primal and the instinctual, embracing our animal natures can seem like a radical act – a defiant reclamation of our wildness, our sensuality, and our fundamental connection to the natural world. Yet, it is precisely this embrace that can unlock profound wellsprings of vitality, creativity, and fulfillment, allowing us to tap into the wisdom and power that have sustained life on this planet for eons.

By learning to integrate our animal selves into our human experience, we can forge a more holistic and embodied way of being, one that honors the richness and complexity of our existence as both rational and instinctual, spiritual and sensual, human and animal.

In a world that often prizes the rational and the cerebral over the primal and the instinctual, embracing our animal natures can seem like a radical act – a defiant reclamation of our wildness, our sensuality, and our fundamental connection to the natural world. Yet, it is precisely this embrace that can unlock profound wellsprings of vitality, creativity, and fulfillment, allowing us to tap into the wisdom and power that have sustained life on this planet for eons.

As we navigate the complexities and challenges of the modern world, our animal natures can serve as a powerful source of grounding, resilience, and inspiration. By honoring our primal impulses and instincts, we can forge deeper connections with ourselves, with others, and with the natural world that sustains us all. And in doing so, we can unlock the full potential of our human experience, embracing the richness and complexity of our existence as both rational and instinctual, spiritual and sensual, human and animal.

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